
Dance Fever

A couple of weeks ago my family (and Chris!) and I had the distinct pleasure of attending Little Miss M's very first dance recital. This first photo is from the dress rehearsal a few nights beforehand. We were supposed to cover her costume up and this is the best I could do:

It was at the dress rehearsal where I realized that updos, glitter hairspray, caked on makeup, and spray tans aren't just for the TLC show "Toddlers and Tiaras." So on Saturday we jazzed it up a bit with a little:


poufy hair

and a dash of diva attitude!

Their costumes were probably my second favorite. I like how classic they look. A bit of a Spanish vibe, no? My favorite, without a doubt, were these adorable sequined sailor outfits. Complete with little white hats! Wish I had snapped a pic of a cutie in that class...alas.

First up was her class's tap dance (she's in the back right corner):

After the intermission we waited for her ballet routine (same position. She's the one who takes a little tumble at the beginning. Gotta admire her for getting right back up!).

Afterwards she was showered with real flowers, candy flowers, and a tiara by all her adoring fans!

Then we all went to Pink Swirl where she indulged herself with her standard chocolate yogurt topped with Skittles, chocolate chips, marshmallows, and gummy bears! Errr....yum? It was so wonderful to enjoy an afternoon with my family (9 of them traveled from Stillwater, Tulsa, and Texas) and this "fablious" (in her own words) five year old!

1 comment:

Amy said...

So much fun! I look forward to seeing you, even if it is a quick visit.