
Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life - E

So much for weekly posting...


Elephant - I can remember a trip to the zoo where I got to ride on an elephant with my dad. So big and tall. Lumbering slowy in a big circle. And elephants just seem like kind animals. It's their eyes, I think. So big. So blinky. Long lashes. Except now that I think about it maybe it was a camel I rode on. With my stepmother?

English Bulldog - I want one. Brindle with white spots. And I shall call her Stella. Or maybe Lola.

Ephemera - this is one of my favorite words. It just rolls off the tongue..."ephemera." Go ahead, try it. And the definition! "transitory written and printed matter not intended to be retained or preserved"...basically it's just old paper stuff. Discarded photos, cards, tickets, advertising, bingo cards, etc. Perfect for all sorts of crafts. And it's collectible!

Eric - my brother. One of my favorite guys. Quite the guy. Double majored in finance and marketing. Ended up in China teaching English. Currently in seminary. Wow. A man of few words. But the words are witty.

Ethan - my nephew. Another one of my favorite guys. He is an engineer at heart. From the time he was two he was spinning anything he could get his hands on...coins, buttons, tops, etc. Then it was assembling Hot Wheels tracks into monster race courses. Now he's moved on to K'nex. An engineer, I tell ya. Mark my words...

Extravaganza - I cannot help but say this word in my head in a booming car salesman's voice. Everytime I write it or see it it's an ex-TRAVA-ganza!!!!!

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Kind of like your b-day ex-TRAVA-ganza!!! Woohoo!