
Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life - J

Japan - my grandmother is Japanese, born and raised in Tokyo. She met my grandfather when he was stationed there during the Korean War. A couple years later, he brought her to America. I hope to travel to Japan with her one day.

Jargon - okay, I actually prefer the term "lingo" but I'm searching for Js here. I love the jargon and acronyms that come with different jobs (take, for example, my job: EOIs, IEPs, AYP, API, ACE, NCLB, etc.), hobbies, and 4-year-old children. Here is what I've decoded so far...
"bweeto" means "burrito"
"cheater" means "cheerleader"
"getty" means "spaghetti"
"mudder" means "mother"
"pock pock" means "backpack"
"pooh-ding" means "pudding"
"scissor" means "sister" and yet "zizzers" means "scissors"

Jeep - still missing Geronimo, may he rest in peace.

Jobs - I just counted and I've held 16 jobs over the years. Not since graduation, mind you. Several were parttime jobs held at night (nothing risque!) for a little extra cash.

June - my birth month. Growing up I always felt jipped because 1) school was out so fewer people came to my parties and 2) the pearl seemed like the lamest gemstone ever. I mean, it's not really even a GEMstone. But now I love that it's the most unique one. Go figure.

Jury Duty - I've never been asked to serve and part of me is very grateful but another part really wants to sit in on a super exciting trial and determine someone's fate. I know...gotta watch what I wish for!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Darren has jury duty starting in November, so I'll let you know how exciting it is.