
She's Back...

and, no, I'm not referring to myself. Although, yes, I'm back at the posting again...finally got Internet in the new house!

Who I am in fact referring to is Little Miss M. Four weeks ago I drove to Tulsa and picked up my current (and former) roommate. The past month has been riddled with a lot of laughs, a lot of shopping, a lot of Dora the Explorer, and a lot of temper tantrums (and not just from her!). It has been quite the adjustment as I had much less time to prepare for her arrival this time around. I'm unsure as to how long she'll be with me this time around, but I'm fairly positive it will be less than the year and nine months she was with me before.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Oh, I'm sorry she's with you again. I was hoping for her she'd stay put. well, hope you all have fun. I was wondering who you were talking about in the previous post.