
Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life - K

Knees - I have bad ones. It all started at the end of my sophomore year of high school. My youth group was playing volleyball one night after church and I landed badly. For weeks I limped around and it felt all wobbly and if I tried to get into a car on the passenger side I would collapse. Finally got around to checking it out and they said there was just fluid built up. I lived with it for years...the limping improved and it would only occassionally "wobble" and I was able to get in and out of cars with ease. Athletic would never be an adjective to describe me, but I played racquetball and tennis and even more volleyball with the bad leg. Sometimes it was okay, sometimes not. Many years later I decided it would be a fantastic idea to play intramural football in my old age. We played in the rain one evening and I heard a pop in my other knee! I limped around for days and when I finally went to get it checked out I was certain I had a torn miniscus. Got an MRI and everything. They said it was fine. I beg to differ. Alas...perhaps when/if I drop some much needed weight my knees will improve but I guarantee you there is something wrong with them!

Kristin - I met her my freshman year of college and lived with her my junior year but it wasn't until J-term of our senior year that we became close. She's creative, has great taste, loves to think and continue learning, is passionate about giving back, has the best advice and knows just what to say, and is one of the most amazing people I've ever know. BFF!


She's Back...

and, no, I'm not referring to myself. Although, yes, I'm back at the posting again...finally got Internet in the new house!

Who I am in fact referring to is Little Miss M. Four weeks ago I drove to Tulsa and picked up my current (and former) roommate. The past month has been riddled with a lot of laughs, a lot of shopping, a lot of Dora the Explorer, and a lot of temper tantrums (and not just from her!). It has been quite the adjustment as I had much less time to prepare for her arrival this time around. I'm unsure as to how long she'll be with me this time around, but I'm fairly positive it will be less than the year and nine months she was with me before.

Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life - J

Japan - my grandmother is Japanese, born and raised in Tokyo. She met my grandfather when he was stationed there during the Korean War. A couple years later, he brought her to America. I hope to travel to Japan with her one day.

Jargon - okay, I actually prefer the term "lingo" but I'm searching for Js here. I love the jargon and acronyms that come with different jobs (take, for example, my job: EOIs, IEPs, AYP, API, ACE, NCLB, etc.), hobbies, and 4-year-old children. Here is what I've decoded so far...
"bweeto" means "burrito"
"cheater" means "cheerleader"
"getty" means "spaghetti"
"mudder" means "mother"
"pock pock" means "backpack"
"pooh-ding" means "pudding"
"scissor" means "sister" and yet "zizzers" means "scissors"

Jeep - still missing Geronimo, may he rest in peace.

Jobs - I just counted and I've held 16 jobs over the years. Not since graduation, mind you. Several were parttime jobs held at night (nothing risque!) for a little extra cash.

June - my birth month. Growing up I always felt jipped because 1) school was out so fewer people came to my parties and 2) the pearl seemed like the lamest gemstone ever. I mean, it's not really even a GEMstone. But now I love that it's the most unique one. Go figure.

Jury Duty - I've never been asked to serve and part of me is very grateful but another part really wants to sit in on a super exciting trial and determine someone's fate. I know...gotta watch what I wish for!