
I Speak Four-Year-Old

I've been trying to keep a list of Little Miss M's latest vocabulary feats...

Arra String = Airstream (I consider this quite an accomplishment on my part. Good to know the silver streak will always be a part of her vocab!)
Lickstick = Lipstick
Ooh La = Hola
Panyo = Piano
Sillious = Serious (I blame this one on Ming Ming, the duck with the lisp on the ever popular Wonder Pets. Although her rendition is "seewee-us")
Squeerial (rhymes with "cereal") = squirrel
Stunk = Skunk (fitting, no?)
Tillet = Toilet


Valerie said...

I think "tillet" is the funniest one. I can totally hear her little voice saying that one.

Kristin Ann said...

I am going to start saying "sillious"...silliously.