
This Is What My Heaven Looks Like

I just stumbled upon the Airstream Penthouse Trailer Park at The Grand Daddy Hotel in Cape Town. Seven Airstreams decorated by seven Cape Town designers. "For those who want to pimp their park life and flash their trailer trash - or for those who simply want to experience the world's only trailer park rooftop suite - just take the vintage elevator to the third , take the rooftop exit and let the adventure begin." Wow. And The Pink Flamingo Cinema? Double wow!
If I had to pick just one to stay in it would be the Love of Lace trailer (below) but wish it were more muted than so girly pink. By the way...does anyone know how much R1250 is?
I've had a semi-similar idea in the back of my mind for a few years now. If only I had money to spare and no other responsibilities. I'd live in one, too. In my little mecca of shiny, silvery goodness. Naturally.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Road trip, road trip! Er, I mean, shell-out-a-couple-grand-to-fly-over trip! ;)