
Snowed In

In the span of four homebound days I have managed to:

make a tutu for a doll to match Little Miss M's,

steal this craft project from Ashley Ann at Under the Sycamore,

I said steal, not execute flawlessly!

attach new seats on BOTH toilets,
finally change the lightbulb in my hallway,
catch up on all my laundry,
change out the wiper blades on my car,
make several homecooked meals (including the best omelets I've ever created!),
watch 35 episodes of LOST,
measure random things around the house for decorating purposes,
do a little research for a writing project I'll probably never start,
sort through clothing, shoes, and toys for donations,
firmly plant Little Miss M's behind in Time Out about a gillion times (probably should be rethinking the discipline situation...hmm)
and finally update my blog -- but don't get used to it!


In hindsight, it would have been the perfect time to tackle some of the painting that is looming ahead of me. But that's the beauty of procrastination...I'll get to it eventually in effort to avoid something else in the future.


Valerie said...

you can't put up a post like this telling us you crafted and expect to get by with NO PICTURES. what is wrong with you? cardinal sin of blogging...;)

katie said...

I'm with Val!!! I want some PICS!!! You sinner!

Kristin Ann said...

I want to get snowed in! When I have nothing else to do but my "to do" list. I am sure you are going mad...but that sounds like heaven to me. Wow! 35 episodes of Lost!