
Paint, PJs, and Panties

So I went outside to spray paint a little project and Little Miss M decided she wanted to come out and play, too. I told her to put on her rain boots and this is what she looked like when she came out...

I think it just might be one of my favorite outfits. Footie pajamas with snowmen in the middle of May. And "Hurdo Kitty" rainboots. Classic! Here's a funny story regarding these pjs. My mom bought them for M last fall and she wore them once and then I couldn't find them. I searched high and low for them during the cold winter months. Same thing with her Tinkerbell pajamas and my favorite Gap cardigan. I looked everywhere for them! And then in February a pregnant student came in and told me, "Hey, you left some clothes in the dryer you gave me." Yep, I bought a new(er) washer and dryer from a friend and moved my old ones into the garage. Way back in November. In February when I learned that a student who was about to pop a baby out didn't have a washer or dryer I delivered my old ones to her door. A couple of days later she told me about the clothes (of course she didn't bring them with her) and then before I could retrieve them she had her baby. She returned to school a couple of weeks ago and I finally got my clothes back. Needless to say, M's been wearing her long lost winter pajamas constantly since then! I, on the other hand, have finally recovered from the embarrassment of realizing I had left a wild pair of purple zebra striped panties in the dryer. And this poor girl's boyfriend was the one to pull them out of the dryer.

But I digress...while outside I decided to tackle the dogs' coats...definitely time for a brush. I raked a ton of their shedding hair. There was actually more hair than this picture shows but Bijou kept eating it. As M would say, "That's eh-scuss-ting!" No wonder she's as fat as she is.

I think I've come up with another summer project for myself. Notice the little shed at the back of my yard. I think I want to paint it. I ran across the following photo somewhere in blogland and thought it was so cute. I love the yellow. And would love to paint the doors a fun turquoise or something. But I'm not so sure my neighbors would dig it.



Valerie said...

Haha. Now I'm laughing just thinking of all the weirdos who might come visitin' your ol' blog from the query "purple zebra striped panties". Haha.

And that photo of Miss M is a classic. Love her expression on her face, too. :)

katie said...

I think you should totally paint the shed the yellow and torquoise color! That would be too cute! Who cares about the neighbors...