
Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back...

I knew it was just a matter of time before I'd start having long stretches between posts. This has been a crazy week. Muy loco! I started back to work and it's been nothing but crankin' out schedules nonstop. We had to have everything done by today so the first set could be printed out.

Also, my car (his name is Geronimo) has been on the fritz as of late. Today was the end of him I think. He's been having trouble turning over and today, after a loud pop and a weird smell, he just gave up. He's sitting in a parking lot 20 miles from my house. We orchestrated a rescue mission of poor stranded me and I made it to the daycare and my foster baby with two minutes to spare!

Speaking of my foster baby, I heard official word today that she's outta here next week. Simply put, I am stunned. For over a year I've been anticipating the day they'd tell me she was being reunified with her mother. They kept telling me it'd be "any week now." When I talked to her caseworker earlier this week and asked if she thought any progress would be made soon it was the FIRST time she ever said, "probably not for another month or two." So of course it makes perfect sense that when I called today to find out how the court date went she informed me that she'd be sending me my five-days notice soon. WTF?! I've been looking forward to my (complete) freedom for months now but now that it's really here, I'm sad and angry. I wish you well, Little Miss M. I hope for all the best in your life.

In other news, I accepted an invitation to travel to London with a friend. Yes, an ex-boyfriend to be precise. But how could I say no to London, baby?! It's the #1 place on my list to visit. And he's going to give me a free ticket?! And provide a place to stay?! Who could pass that up? Not sure of the exact dates, but I'm super excited. Been working on a cram-packed itineray for 48 hours of London living. CAN'T WAIT!!!

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