
Oh little Buttercup, you're a dream come true...

Ah, Buttercup. My sweet little scooter. That hates me. Now I know that it's been four months since I've spent any time with her. And that I had her for less than a month when I stopped spending time with her. But still...she should not be so tempermental yet. My pal Val and I got excited about spending time on our scooters during this abnormally gorgeous November weather. She hopped on White Lightning and headed over to my place. I had drilled new holes in my license plate so it could be displayed properly and had even grabbed a towel to wipe my baby down.

I pulled her out of the garage and tried to start her. Now, I admit that it has been four months to the day since I've ridden and I needed a quick tutorial on how to start her up. We sat there for minutes and she wouldn't turn over. Val made a quick call to scooter maven Sacha and we tried to kickstart her. Still nothing. Buttercup's battery is a little depressed from the lack of attention I guess. Drats! But at least we snapped a few photos (for my eHarmony profile - a whole other post topic) in between laughing our heads off and breaking a sweat trying to crank that kickstart.
Here's a brief visual timeline of my relationship with Buttercup...
Wednesday, June 11 - picking her up to take her home. I didn't know how to drive a scooter, so Valerie drove her back to my place.
Later that afternoon - Valerie gave me a lesson and I was on my way. A natural indeed!
Thursday, June 12 - I found myself thrown off of the scooter and onto the roadside as she careened into a ditch. Maybe not such a natural after all...The scars are still really bad!

I continued to ride for a couple more weeks until I was shaken up by a young kid who was riding his scooter in my neighborhood in early July. He ran a stop sign and hit a moving vehicle. He died on my street corner. My house was the backdrop for the live newsfeed that evening.

November 2 - Well, at least she still looks cute.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Yep, so you should be blogging more. Your posts are always so well written! Haha, I am still laughing at our afternoon. Sure, it didn't go quite as planned, but man I had fun hanging out with you! And I'm glad you could laugh at me jumping up and down on that dang kickstart, cussing to high heaven, haha. If you've actually heard me say a cuss word, well, you must really be one of my bestest friends! ;)