
Decisions, Decisions!

If you've ever been out to eat with me you know how much of an ordeal it can be. I can narrow it down to two or three choices but then I hem and haw. I don't want to pick the wrong thing! And even though I go to the same places over and over again, the decision-making process doesn't get any easier. I usually end up giving my choices to the server and having him/her choose for me. Although I know the dinner decision will not make or break my life course, it seems SO important at that moment. So imagine how difficult it would be for me to have to choose between two boys (that's another post in and of itself. Let's move on.)...or two jobs...or two towns. Yowza!

Pros about Staying: my house, my family, life in the big city, my spud bud Val, bunko, scooter chicks, Pepper's Grill.

Pros about Going: job happiness (what's the phrase I'm looking for?), my dear friends, dinner club, life in a small town, better gas mileage, a fresh start, Billy Boy's (mmm).

Cons about Staying: my house (hot in the summer, cold in the winter. And oh-so-many projects!), hating my job more and more every day (next year would only be worse), the commute is starting to wear on me too.

Cons about Going: dating is hard enough in a big city (are there even any men in the little town?!), I'd miss my sweet nephew Ethan so much, what if I don't sell/rent out my house (financial destruction = self implosion)?

Anything I'm leaving out? Feel free to comment. I think I can hold 'em off a day or two.

At times like these I wish I had a Magic 8 Ball...


Valerie said...

Glad I wasn't on the "con" list, haha. I'm assuming this means, yes, you got an offer?

Unknown said...

Know that your distant friends now, would L-O-V-E you to be closer. And, we'll go find boys together.

Stephanie said...

Pro to the move: Ainsley loves Coco!

lanae130 said...

SHAWNEE! It's the home of Oklahoma Governor Brad Henry!