
Inspiration Strikes

It doesn't strike all that often but I was sitting at home on Friday night and around 8:00 I thought to myself, "Self, it's about time you got around to painting those bottom cabinets in the kitchen." It should be noted that I decided less than a month ago that I should definitely paint my lower cabinetry black. To have conceived, started, and completed (!) a project within a month is a record. Procrastination is my middle name for sure.

Here's a before pic (please excuse the mess and disregard the dog-scratched door in the background):
And the after pic (Decidedly cleaner, no? And, yes Mom, I know I need to properly secure the insert between the cabinet doors under the sink!) :
Look at my little Wilbur peering up from the bottom of the photo. Ain't he cute?!

My favorite part of the whole process is that dirty old dishwasher. You can switch the paneling from white to black or almond to stainless. They sure were innovative back in the 80s, eh?


Valerie said...

You've totally got a few notches up on me on the project to-do list -- I am so proud (of you, definitely not of me and my laziness)! The black looks great! Now I need you to kick my butt in gear since I need to step it up over here on the accomplishments...

What's next on the Loraine list?

Kristin Ann said...

It looks great! You had told me that you wanted to do this and I am so proud of you for following through...he he. You DO have the coolest house ever! Loraine has the best bones.