
Weekend Revisited

Little Miss M finished up with swim lessons on Friday. She was really pretty good!

Got bored Friday night and decided to cut my bangs. No going back, at least not for a few more months. Ran down to Texas on Saturday with a few girlfriends to celebrate Carrie's grad school graduation. Bought an fantastic vintage tote bag, paid $17 for a hamburger, and trekked back home by 1 AM. Awesome!

Made it to Sunday School before heading out to T-Town.

Caught up with Amy and Katie both last night and at lunch today. 5 kids + lunch buffet = en.ter.tain.ment!

Ran by one of my favorite thrift stores after lunch and scored this beauty for $25:

Made the drive home in the torrential downpour and wondered how children can sleep for hours at a time in positions like this:


Valerie said...

you poo-head. i would've hugged your neck this weekend if you would've popped by. but actually our weekend was pretty crammed full anyway so i guess you're off the hook. especially since i'll be seeing you soon.

but i'm going to call you a poo-head anyway. and that's a crazy awesome thrift score. i like!

katie said...

Ok, I'm laughing hysterically at little M in her sleep position! HAHAHAHHA! And I don't know that I'd call our buffet experience en.ter.tain.ment... I think I'd call it something like c.h.a.o.t.i.c! Thanks for almost being willing to clean up puke! :)