
Miscellaneous J-Legs Received

Remember Chloe? The couch I finally caved and ordered all those months ago? Well, she was delivered to my mom's house in late November and my mom was kind enough to transport her all these miles to my house. I was so excited! We ripped into her plastic and cardboard packaging and she was oh so soft! Got her in place and then began the frantic search for her...can you guess? Yes, the title of the post was a big, fat wad of foreshadowing. My beautiful new couch was shipped to me sans legs! Can you believe it? So for the past two-and-a-half months we've been low riding in the living room.

Well, to make a long, boring story less long and hopefully less boring my mom got the legs in the mail last week and she graciously agreed to meet me halfway so I could at long last give my little Chloe the lift she needed. And...voila! She's got legs...and knows how to use them...

Okay, I realize that the difference probably doesn't seem so dramatic in the pictures but believe you me this is life changing! I'm now (slightly more) motivated to actually paint the walls finally hang the new curtains. Who knew five inches could make such a difference? I guess size really does matter!


Valerie said...

Haha, size really does matter. Glad to know I'll have a place to sit when I come visit next. And when is that? It should be soon!

Amy said...

I love it. Maybe I should come and visit. :)

Kristin Ann said...

So cute! I LOVE the legs. I think it looks like a totally different couch with them. Much sleeker and not so slouchy. Wish I could come by to see it!