
Bow Chicka Bow Bow

Is that how you spell the sound of porno music? Although I'm sure my reading audience of three or four probably isn't the type to know that...

Anyway, it appears as though Little Miss M has been "gettin' her freak on" in daycare. When I picked her up today I was informed by the afternoon teacher that she and a classmate (a boy) were in the corner showing their "parts" to each other. Okay, great, um...er...what to do with that?! I have been assured that this is completely normal but I don't recall anything like that in my past.

So the conversation on the way home went something like this:

Me: So, uh, what did you do in school today?
M: Nothing.
Me: Oh. Ms. Lori said you were showing your "gina" (M's word, not mine) to a boy.
M: I didn't do it. (Surely she was just denying the events and doesn't know what "it" is...right?!?!?!)
Me: M, you need to tell the truth. It's not nice to lie.
M: I'm not.
Me: Hmmm. Well, you know that some people call "ginas" privates, right?
M: Yeah.
Me: Do you know what private means?
M: Yeah.
Me: What?
M: Dunno.
Me: It means it's only for you to see. That means you shouldn't show it to other people at school.
Me: Or at church.
{crickets chirping}
Me: Or boys in general.
M: Okay, can we go to Old McDonald's for dinner?
Me: How about pizza?
M: Um, sure!


Valerie said...

I am laughing hysterically, almost falling out of my chair. Oh, lucky lucky Coco...

Amy said...

Fun times. I have heard that it's completely normal. I've also heard of little girls pleasuring themselves as well. Be glad you don't have to have that conversation.