
This is the outfit I picked up for Little Miss M on Saturday evening. She wanted to wear it to church yesterday. Without washing it. I thought it might irritate her sensitive skin but she didn't care. A slave to fashion in the making! My poor picture-taking skills don't allow you to see the super cute bow at the neckline. And the back of the dress buttons up with big pink buttons. Can you say cute?! I had picked up this pair of funky green tights at a thrift store months ago against my better judgment. Didn't think I'd ever actually find anything to match. Lo and behold! Need to be better about noticing what's in the background when I take photos...ugly!


Valerie said...

Adorable! Court -- you have a great eye for fashion because M always looks stylin'. You know what she looks like in this pic? A blonde Annie! Annie used to stand in that pose in the movie -- hands on hips, legs apart, and that curly hair. :)

Kristin Ann said...

She is too cute! LOVE the tights.

Wow, Courtney. First you organize your shoe closet, then I see behind M that you have her toys all organized, too! What has gotten into you???