
Furbabies For Everyone!

So I woke up in the middle of the night on Friday (Saturday, technically) and I flipped on my bedroom light so I could dig around in my medicine drawer in the hallway. I realized that my cat Olive was in a laundry basket I had prepped for her last week in hopes that she would actually have her babies in it. Preferable, of course, to my closet on my shoes, the basket of towels in my bathroom, or on my living room rug. Sure enough, she was there with two little white kittens. I was in bed before midnight and this was around 2:30 AM. She had had those babies without making a peep! Everything seemed to be going okay so I turned off the light and wondered how many little kitties would be waiting for me when I woke up. Just the two. All day yesterday I was so thankful that her first (and hopefully last) litter was so small. My mom is probably going to take one of them so that meant I only had to find home for one kitten!

So then I went into the bedroom around 11:00 last night and peeked into the basket and saw a blur of black. What the...?! Sure enough, a third little baby was in the basket with everyone. Is that normal? Do they wait almost 24 hours in between babies? I had read that the wait was usually like 10 minutes to an hour. Usually indeed! So I checked on the little family of four around 11:30 and noticed Olive's stomach was kind of spasming. Within a few minutes I saw a little pouch protrude from her nether regions and watched her as she licked away. There was a tiny paw sticking out of her...with claws! Yowza! I panicked for a moment that I'd have to pull a breach kitten out of my cat's vajayjay by its lone little paw but thankfully nature took its course and the whole thing oozed its way out. Pretty cool to watch a living thing be born. Pretty creepy, too. So then I was worried about going to bed and waking up to even more babies. As of this posting (21 hours later) there are still just the four. Two white and two black. I squished around on Olive's belly a lot today trying to determine if a couple more were hiding up in there. I think we're good. Except now I have to find three good homes instead of just the one. Drats! Any takers?

Trying to come up with names. When I had the pug puppies I named them after classic movie stars. I had a Humphrey, Buster, Bing, Greta, and Ingrid. Any suggestions for these babies? Of course, I can't really tell the gender of these little guys though. I'm pretty sure I could tell with the pugs right away. Hmmm....

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Oh man. You made me laugh out loud, OUT LOUD with your vajayjay sentence. Seriously.