
Here Kitty, Kitty

I woke up on Sunday morning, went to the kitchen, let my puggies outside, fixed a bottle of kitten formula, went to the living room, sat on the couch, and leaned over to pick up a kitten to start feeding. But they were missing! I shot up and frantically began to search the living room floor like a mad woman, under the couch, under the chair, and in the gas fireplace (God forbid!). Then I had flashbacks to my snake sighting last fall. But surely one snake couldn't eat ALL four babies, right? Then, in a moment of clarity, I recalled that Olive had been prowling around in my bathroom the night before...
Please excuse the mess. Yes, that is indeed a paint tray sitting on the floor. Intended for a paint job I'll probably never begin...

Notice the random boxes in and behind the wire basket.

Yes, the basket previously inhabited by boxes of tampons, pads, and extra rolls of toilet paper is now occupied by Olive and her fashionable offspring (from left to right: Bourke, Gabbana, Dooney (well, his ear mostly), and Dolce).

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