
Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life - Q

Disclaimer: I must admit that I cheated a bit and looked up some Q words. Otherwise I would have had only two entries.

Quarter - not just one-fourth, ladies and gentlemen! Apparently a quarter is "a unit of measure equal to 28 pounds." Did not know that. 25 pounds is what I would've guessed if pressed.

Q-Bert - okay, I loved this video game as a kid! I don't know how many quarters (possibly 28 pounds worth - haha!) I went through at Mazzio's and The Tilt on this game. To almost clear the board and then end up hopping off the edge accidentally...nooooo! In middle school I had "Note Books" with my friends (we passed spirals -one spiral per friendship- back and forth to each other in between classes) and Meena wanted us to use code names in case our book was confiscated. Q-Bert was my name. Or possibly hers. But I think probably it was mine.

Quiet Light - when we lived with my grandparents for a bit if I couldn't fall asleep I would find my grandmother who was usually sitting in her wooden rocking chair in the living room. I would sit in her lap and we would rock back and forth looking at the lamp post in her backyard, our "quiet light."

Quinquennium - a period of 5 years. How exactly is this word used? Is it like a 5-year anniversary mark? What are your goals for this quinquennium?

Quire - exactly 24 sheets of paper. Hmmm.

Quitter - not just what you call someone who quits something...quitter also refers to pus. Awesome.

Here's some other random Q words I'll use in a sentence: I hope you never quackle on some qat or a quarender. If you do, I hope a quidam (preferably not a quean or a quidnunc) is there to quagswag you so as to quich the blockage.

1 comment:

lanae130 said...

If you must know, I took a class last semester in which we had to learn about quires and everything else about paper and book making...Riveting stuff!