
A Long Time Comin'

So after at least eight (8!) long months I FINALLY got my hair trimmed. I remember that last winter my hair was pretty dry but this winter has it topped. My split ends had split ends! How does that even happen?! No joke, one of my hairs was split seven times. Yep. I counted. At work. When I should have been using my time more efficiently. But even with the sorry state of my hair I never got around to making an appointment for a trim. Until last week. I finally called the hair salon I went to years ago when I lived here before.

And there was some massive confusion about which Janice I used to go to back then. Because there are two Janices. I had no idea which one. By the time it was over I thought I had made an appointment with Janice H. only to find out later that it was actually Janice W. I used to see. But then I remembered I had a conference on Tuesday and was going to use it as an excuse to cancel the appointment. But after I told them I was unable to keep my appointment because of a conference it ended up I was on the right Janice's schedule after all. Noooooo! And she wasn't going to be able to fit me in again until Spring Break. Nooooooo!

Anywho...yesterday I spent more time than necessary looking at my split ends and breaking them off (it was kind of cathartic in a gross, creepy way) and I decided I had to do something about it. I was even going to head to the mall when I decided to call them back just to see. I'll spare you the script of that call. Mostly I was awkward and not very clear. I think the way I worded it ("Do you have any openings?") made them think I was looking for a job. But I was able to get in! I didn't get anything drastic done. Really it was just a trim (but she had to whack off around three inches to get rid of most of those ugly little suckers) and a little bit more bang than last time. And she told me if I took 2-3 flax seed oil pills a day for a couple of weeks I'd notice a big difference in my dry hair. Hmm...I'm up for that experiment.

And that, my friends, was a great big snore fest of a story for each and every one of you. And now I have to actually do more productive things while at work. Boo.

1 comment:

Kristin Ann said...

Your right about split ends. Very gross to pull-apart, but very satisfying at the same time...I guess I am gross, too.