
Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life - P

Papa - my grandpa was an amazing man. I always thought he was kind of strict and I can still hear him "talking" to me through the bathroom door whenever I got mad and locked myself inside, "The world does not revolve around Courtney Marie, you know." But underneath his tough exterior was a big softie. When my mom, my sister and I lived with them for a few months he would kneel between our beds, scratch our backs, and hum us lullabies. Ah, sweet memories!

Pepper - love me some pepper! I don't do much salt but you can always count on me and pepper. Especially in my ketchup. Yum! A funny (if not predictable) story about me and pepper...just a few weeks ago I was lunching at McAlister's and was trying to sprinkle some pepper on my chicken caesar wrap when the whole cap came off and a heaping pile of pepper ended up on my plate. I seriously considered shaking what I could off to continue eating it but in the end I was persuaded to get them to replace the meal. And the pepper shaker.

Persnickety - I just love this word and its meaning!

Pickles - it's a toss up where pickles and pepper are concerned. I lurve pickles! Dill, mind you. Spears preferably but chips will do in a pinch. Not bread and butter and never, ever sweet! And the combination of Mazzio's ranch dressing and their bitesize pickles in the salad bar cannot be beaten. To. Die. For. Which is a silly thing to say, I realize, about pickles. I love pickles so much that my grandmother has gifted me with pickles on two occassions...for my 13th birthday I received a case of pickles and one Christmas I received a large box of individually wrapped pickles. Like they used to sell (and maybe still do?) at the roller skating rink. And I have wonderful friends who know of my love for pickles and will sacrifice their lunch spears to see me light up when they offer me theirs. Except for now Steph has a kid who also happens to lurve pickles so I am no longer the recipient of her pickle generosity. Cute kids....hrmph!

Pickle-Chiffon Pie - This was a favorite book in our house when I was a child. My mom read it to us a lot. Unfortunately we no longer have it. And unfortunately I don't really remember much of the story. Something about a weird monster competing for the hand of the princess and bakes her father, the king, this crazy pie concoction. I keep my eyes out at thrift stores but I really ought to just suck it up and order it from Amazon. A side note...growing up as latch key kids my sister and I had a secret code word that was to be used if our mom had to, for some reason, send someone else to pick us up. Stranger Danger and all. "Pickle-Chiffon Pie" was our word. And to top it all off, the book was written by a guy named Jolly Roger. Gotta love that! Pops -Yay for gas stations + soda pop marts + yummy hamburger joints! Head on over to Arcadia, OK and try it out for yourself.
Pugs - I do not what it is about this breed of dog but I am completely smitten. From their snorting and snuffing and smashed in faces to their curly Q tails. My friend Amy got a pug right after college and I thought she (both Amy and Maude the pug) were crazy. But then I volunteered to dog sit for a friend and ended up having both his husky and his pug for a couple of months. Gigi chewed up my shoes and the arms of my sister's futon (thank goodness I hadn't bought a couch of my own yet!) but she had such a great personality. So quirky and spunky. I was sold! And here I am, nine pugs later.

Becker and Bijou - my first two pugs

Ingrid, Buster, Humphrey, and Greta (sans baby Bing) - my last little puglets


Stephanie said...

I laughed out loud at pepper and teared up over pickles. I think "P" has been my favorite letter so far!

Amy said...

Darren loves pugs too. I don't know if he'd like to own one as much as he thinks they're cute...I've bought him a coule of stuffed ones over the years. I can't believe you don't like sweet pickles, it's like saying you don't like sweet tea.